The exhibition of laboratory instruments, biochemical reagents and consumables in 2019


👉 With the innovation and breakthrough of life science and biotechnology, the global life science is booming, and the fields of artificial intelligence, big data and life science are gradually integrated. At the same time, breakthroughs have been made in many fields such as gene technology, stem cell technology and molecular biotechnology, and the development of life and health industry is facing unprecedented opportunities. Furthermore, it also provides a huge business opportunity for the development of scientific instruments, reagents and other industries in the fields of life science, biotechnology and diagnosis.


Exhibitors and insiders from all over the world gathered here in a warm atmosphere. The exhibition has been successfully held for several consecutive years, aiming to facilitate the purchase and ordering of laboratories of Shanghai Academy of life sciences, provide an exchange platform for enterprises and researchers of the Academy, and now it has developed into a well-known product exchange exhibition in the industry.

At the scene, the staff set up an EVOS m5000, the exhibitors can operate on the computer and have professional technical personnel nearby to support, so that everyone can get the most intuitive feeling and experience.


Because the products meet the market demand, there are a lot of inquirers  and they exchange experiences with each other. This exhibition has built a platform for technology exchange, cooperation promotion, upstream and downstream trade expansion, and brand and enterprise awareness for life science, biotechnology and related industries.

A lot of types and functions of instrument reagents and consumables can be found at the exhibition. Diversified products, to meet the needs of differentiation, are quite in bloom. Shanghai Heshang has always been adhering to the concept of "not the most expensive, only the most appropriate", to develop the most appropriate quality program for users! Finally, Shanghai HESHANG wants to say that "win-win cooperation".
