
Open market boon to spill over from China's import expo

SHANGHAI, Nov. 10 (Xinhua) -- As the second China International Import Expo (CIIE) concluded Sunday, more overseas companies will share the benefits of Chinas large market that is opening wider to the world.Australian firm Freedom Foods Group Limited and Daesang Corporation from the Republic of Korea signed tentative sales agreements with Shanghai-based snack food chain LYFEN to introduce more food products to China and co-develop new products."The Chinese snack food market is huge. Wed like to work with global partners to make the cake bigger and share it with them," said LYFEN CEO Yu Ruifen.FRUITFUL EXPOLYFENs new deals are part of the fruitful outcomes of the expo, where more than 3,800 firms from all around the globe gathered to seek cooperation opportunities.A total of 71.13 billion U.S. dollars worth of tentative deals were reached for one-year purchases of goods and services during the second CIIE, up 23 percent year on year, Sun Chenghai, deputy director of the CIIE bureau, told a press conference Sunday.Over 1,300 exhibitors and 3,200 buyers attended a three-day match-making fair during the expo, inking a total of 2,160 tentative deals, Sun said.Among the expos diverse displays, 391 new products, technologies and services were launched for the first time on the Chinese mainland or worldwide, he added.Yu is expecting strong sales of her companys new imports given the robust performance after the first expo.One of LYFENs imported milk products displayed at the first CIIE saw its sales surge by 754 percent year on year over the past year, while the sales of codfish sausage doubled."JOINING HANDS""We need to join hands with each other instead of letting go of each others hands," Chinese President Xi Jinping said Tuesday at the opening of the expo, presenting a prospect of jointly building an open world economy through cooperation, with innovation and for mutual benefits.An open market is key for global economic growth and the development of enterprises, Yang Yuanqing, chairman and CEO of Lenovo, said at a forum during the expo, citing the companys rise from a domestic personal computer maker to a global tech group with businesses covering 180 countries and regions."Globalization helps firms boost efficiency and drive innovation, and benefit consumers worldwide," Yang said.The import expo has become a premium occasion for seeking partnerships, evidenced by the tentative deals announced at the expo and the long lists of contact information registered at each booths reception.Scott Zheng, co-founder of U.S. electric vehicle start-up Neuron EV, used seven smartphones, including three new ones, to communicate with swarms of visitors at his booth."Weve met with over 800 potential clients. It was really worth our attendance!" Zheng said.FOR THE LONG RUNBefore the second CIIE ends, many overseas firms have already signed up for next years event."Our participation this year was decided through a signed contract on the second day of last years expo. As one of the first batch to sign up for the third expo, we will also expand the size of our booth and introduce more brands to promote our business development," said Kentaro Fujiwara, China CEO of Japanese cosmetics brand Shiseido.More than 230 companies from all over the world have signed up for the third CIIE, with their combined exhibition area exceeding 84,000 square meters, according to Sun.Among them are more than 80 Fortune Global 500 companies or industrial leaders, with a total exhibition area of more than 50,000 square meters.Although this years CIIE has closed, Chinas opening-up drive remains a long-term commitment.In his Tuesday speech, Xi outlined the countrys five measures to promote higher-level opening up -- continuing to open up its market, improve its opening-up structure, optimize the business environment, deepen multilateral and bilateral cooperation, and advance Belt and Road cooperation.China is dramatically accelerating innovation, and it is open to both domestic and overseas firms. This is key for the health care sector, said Julio Gay-Ger, president of the China branch of U.S. leading pharmaceutical firm Eli Lilly and Company."We have been, and will be here for the long run," he said.

UNESCO-Equatorial Guinea Int'l Prize for Research in Life Sciences unveiled

PARIS, Oct. 22 (Xinhua) -- The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) on Tuesday announced that three scientists from China, the United States and Ireland shared 2019 UNESCO-Equatorial Guinea International Prize for Research in the Life Sciences.Chinese professor Tu Youyou, along with American doctor Cato Laurencin and Professor Kevin McGuigan from Ireland, won the fifth edition of the award following their "outstanding scientific research projects in the life sciences that have led to an improvement in the quality of human life."Tu Youyou, laureate of the 2015 Nobel Prize for Medicine, "is recognized for her research into parasitic diseases. She discovered an entirely new anti-malarial treatment, artemisinin, which made possible the treatment of thousands of patients in China in the 1980s," UNESCO said in a press release.The prize also rewarded "the fundamental contribution of Dr. Cato Laurencin to regenerative engineering applied to the development of biomaterials for clinical use; stem cell science, nanotechnology and drug delivery systems."According to the Paris-based UN body, the Irish laureate is recognized "for his cutting-edge research on the development and implementation of solar water disinfection technology (SODIS) to combat waterborne diseases among people without access to safe drinking water in Africa and Asia."The winners will share a financial award worth 350,000 U.S. dollars and each will receive a statuette by the Equatorial Guinean artist Leandro Mbomio Nsue, and a diploma.The award ceremony will take place at the African Union Headquarters in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, during the African Union Heads of State Summit in February 2020.

Chinese scientists' pursuit of cosmic rays opens windows on universe

BEIJING, Oct. 23 (Xinhua) -- In the wilderness of Daocheng, southwest Chinas Sichuan Province, 4,400 meters above sea level, Chinese scientists are constructing a cosmic ray observation station on an area equivalent to 200 soccer fields.Huge rocks left from the Ice Age have been blasted. Different detectors are being installed to form a huge "net" to catch the particles generated by cosmic rays in the atmosphere, to help scientists study both the micro and the macro worlds in the universe.Three huge underground pools, more than triple the size of the Water Cube (National Aquatic Center) in Beijing, will hold detectors to collect high-energy photons generated by remote celestial bodies. Beside the pools, 12 telescopes will be erected to conduct high-precision measurement of cosmic rays with the highest energy.Construction of the first half of the observation station, known as Large High-Altitude Air Shower Observatory (LHAASO), is due to be finished at the end of this year, and the whole project completed at the end of 2020, said Cao Zhen, chief scientist of LHAASO and a researcher at the Institute of High Energy Physics (IHEP) of the Chinese Academy of Sciences.The main objective of LHAASO is to search for the origin of cosmic rays, and study their acceleration and transmission mechanisms, said Cao.In the second huge pool of LHAASO, which is 5 meters below ground, water Cherenkov detectors have been installed to form an array, and they will be submerged in 100,000 tonnes of the purest water in the world."The water comes from nearby lakes and rivers and has gone through strict purification. Only transparent pure water can make the detectors catch the signals generated by high-energy particles clearly," said Chen Mingjun, deputy director of the Cherenkov detector array.After being on the plateau for a year, Chen lost more than 15 kg due to the hard work, but he said he is lucky to participate in such a grand project.Foreign peers have been amazed at the speed of LHASSOs construction. Its not only a result of the scientists efforts, but also of the complete industrial production capacity of China. Its the embodiment of Chinas overall national strength, said Cao.He said the LHASSO project has drawn world attention. Scientists from Russia, Switzerland, Poland, the Czech Republic and other countries hope to bring their scientific equipment to the observatory.Research teams from Australia and Thailand and other countries will participate in the project directly. Some well-known international research teams expressed the desire to conduct cooperation and joint observation with LHASSO, said Cao."After completing the LHASSO project, China is expected to lead the world in the field of cosmic ray research," Cao said.